Players who attended the March 2012 Transformice meetup in Lille were given and « Souris Lilloise » (252).Previously you could obtain it by connecting your Run for Cheese account to your Atelier 801 account (this could only be done in-game on the Run for Cheese app). Also, I joined Transformice about in April or May. I currently am in the tribe 'Cheese for Mice'.
The hex code is basically a color code, sort of. For example, for the background on the right there will be a place for you to put in the hex code. It was added on 20 December 2010 ( V0.126). Transformice has recently updated with tribe houses. "/facebook" opens the Transformice Facebook page.If u dont have a account go and sign up ) Third you click on the chat bar and type /Facebook and press enter. Stalker - Bring back the cheese first 500 times. Shaman Master - Save 2000 mice as a Shaman. Pirate Mouse - Bring back the cheese first 100 times.
In Tomb Rumble, buy it from Sallah's shop for 100 coins. First you go on transformice ( ) Second you login your account ( you cant get free cheese if you go on a guest account. Immortal Shaman - Save 10 000 mice as a Shaman. Note: The moustache must be the default color. Stand on the red chair located in the treehouse with Elise and Papaille and type "/anvilgod 73". CHEESEMOUSE: 1000 cheese, FIRSTFREE: 5 firsts, MICEINFRAISE: 5 fraises, MICEINCHEESE: 15 cheese.

While wearing the moustache, go to any village room. Big Cheese is a passive skill in the Spiritual Guide skill tree which increases the cheeses size by 10 for each skill point you allocate in the skill.The maximum allocated skill points is 5, which, when fully upgraded, increases the cheeses size by 50. Note: You must use the confetti button, not E. This is a list of free items in Transformice.ĭo the emote sequence "confetti, dance, confetti, clap, kiss" on either map 0 or any user-made map.